Nothing like some crazy martial arts in the basement to keep a programmer awake. I discovered that I now suck at left reverse hook kicks. Corona 1.0 is almost out. Corona is probably the only piece of software I have written that I am truly satisfied with. TWiki is an amazing collaboration tool. I am considering not making traditional web pages again, just using a few customized TWiki installations. Empyrean and ISU GameDev both use it. Speaking of collaboration, I'm reading a book called Debugging the Development Process. My boss told me that I will likely be a manager wherever I go to work, so I should be prepared. He offered to let me borrow the book over vacation, and I accepted. Mythical Man Month provided a good foundation for managerial thinking, and this book has modern guidelines as well as more concrete examples. I think I might take a few business and management courses as well. We'll see. Christmas was great. It's my dog's favorite day of the year. ^_^ She waited patiently by her stocking for two hours until the rest of us got up and finally let her start opening gifts. I got a full spice rack, kitchen towels, two cookbooks, money, a teapot, more silk boxers (woot!), and a bunch of food. Hopefully the cook books will prevent my roommates from yelling "WHAT IS THAT SMELL, CHAD???" when I'm working in the kitchen. Back to the emacs window. Peace.